I was taken aback, rather utterly baffled when I was asked if I am a potato, that too at 5 in the morning … and by none other than Ms. Coco. It was Sunday morning and my alarm buzzed off at 4 a.m. We wereContinue Reading >
HELL-O pretty birdies! Ahhh … didn’t we all love Rio the movie?!Anyway, this post is about a dear friend of mine who makes elegant bead and wire jewellery. Tee Syed’s work has me sold for her art. She started with bead jewellery as aContinue Reading >
March 22, 2020 - Sunday COVID-19: Not self but imposed isolation - Day 2 OCD took over once again ... washed the balcony with that amazing Scotch Bright wiper once again ... ahhh! We had water. Cleaned the room ... mopped the floorContinue Reading >
A PR and communication professional, an occasional blogger, and a hobby artist. A nature obsessed, wannabe
travel aficionado who wants to explore new horizons!